What do we mean by Body Positive?
To make it clear, I can start with what it is not - and has never been. It's not about promoting or advocating for obesity, it's not about discussing eating habits, and certainly not about encouraging others to be like us.
However, if you are, if life and countless psychological, hormonal, or hereditary factors have determined that you are a fat person, then I want to tell you that you are not alone. This community awaits you with open arms, attentive ears, and plenty of tissues to wipe away those tears that will someday become your strength to say "ENOUGH!" to all that external noise that doesn't let you live peacefully.
What this movement does is give a place of acceptance and human validation to bodies of different sizes, shapes, and physical abilities. Body positivity normalizes the existence of bodily diversity.
Because yes, we exist. We work, we succeed, we cry, we laugh, we fall in love, we have our hearts broken, and we break hearts too. Contrary to popular belief, our existence is not based on fluctuating weight. We are simply living our lives with non-hegemonic bodies.
That's why Lily Marie is a brand that advocates for body positivity, and we are extremely proud to belong to the plus-size community. We are here to tell you that your body is worthy of love, representation, and fashion, because our goal is to highlight the beauty of plus size, not hide it.